With nearly two decades of expertise in providing top quality certified medical translation services, we at Access Center for Translation Services – Qatar are very proud of our medical and pharmaceutical translation as well as our excellent customer care. Some of the world's leading medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and Contract Research Organizations (CRO) work with us. They know that Access is one of the most reliable medical translation companies in Qatar and the Gulf region. We are ISO 17100:2015 and 9001:2015 certified. And we are proud to announce that we have opened a new branch for Access Centre in Muscat, Oman.
From simple hospital forms to complex clinical trials, we translate medical documents in more than 20 languages. This includes all the major European, Asian, Scandinavian and Middle-Eastern languages, with an emphasis on English-Arabic and Arabic-English translation.
Since medical texts mostly involve the lives of patients, we at Access Centre in Muscat and Doha place a strong focus upon the quality of our medical translation. When you order from Access, your medical translations are delivered on time, within budget and in full compliance with applicable regulatory requirements.
Many doctors need the services of medical translators for their patient records, prescriptions, medical history and diagnoses that are written in another language. To be able to make the right diagnosis, doctors have to understand what caused the patient's illness. Patients and doctors should be able to fully understand each other. Thus, medical documents written in different languages should be translated. Medical translation is not just about working with doctors, as there are several other areas where it is needed. For example, in labels and literature pertaining to pharmaceuticals and medical devices sold locally to be translated into the language they commonly use.
Medical translation is one of the most challenging and complicated categories of technical translation services. Translation of medical texts places a great responsibility on the translator's shoulders because this field of translation does not tolerate approximate definitions and imprecise terms. Thus, it requires multiple levels of quality control.
Medical translators face a number of challenges in order to translate medical information. It is not enough for them to know the language pairs. They should know about medical language, which is a specialist language. Just like doctors have to be familiar with new medical terms, medicine, conditions and disease, the medical translator should be up to date regarding them as well. They must have a working knowledge of the subject matter, so that they would not put patients at risk. Our translators possess all these skills.
Furthermore, the tone and language of the translation in medical translation, aside from mirroring the original source, also depends on who would be reading the translation. The choice of words for translation that will be used by doctors and nurses is going to be different from the translation that will be read by experts in the field, such as clinicians, researchers, international doctors or governing bodies. We take this into consideration at Access Centre.
Nowadays, many patients undergo treatment abroad and they need various medical documents to be translated. Moreover, the doctor might need a translation of the patient's medical history. In this case medical translation helps too. The precision of the information provided for the doctor on the particular case depends on the quality of the medical translation. Imprecise interpretation of any term used may result in various delays or problems in treatment. Thus, the result of treatment will be highly dependent on the accuracy of the translation of medical documents.
In Access Centre in Qatar and Oman we strive to offer secure and professional medical translation services. Our expert team can translate all sorts of medical documents flawlessly and discretely. With us, you can be certain that your confidential documents are in safe hands.
Clients in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Healthcare industries have come to rely on our team of subject-matter experts for even the most complex medical translations.
Our team consists of linguists with training in most branches of medicine. We have vast experience translating medical documents in a wide variety of medical fields, such as: Cardiology, Microbiology, Pathology, Dermatology, Emergency Medicine, Neurology, Nuclear Medicine, Genetics, to name a few.
Due to their life and death nature, translation quality is critical in translating medical texts. The international medical industry is highly regulated, and companies who must translate medical documentation are bound to choose translation agencies certified or compliant with one or more international standards. One of these standards is ISO 9001 for medical device manufacturing. We at Access Center received ISO 9001/2015. Besides, our quality management system has been audited and found to be in full compliance with the ISO 17100:2015 standard. We provide the best-in-class translation services in Oman and Qatar.
In addition to linguistic skills, medical translation requires specific training and subject matter knowledge because of the highly technical, sensitive, and regulated nature of medical texts. That is why Access Centre requires that all Medical Translators and Translation Editors have relevant training and work experience in the areas of medicine matching the subject matter they translate. With a system of checks and balances in place throughout the entire process—from the selection of project managers to the final proofreading of the translated document, our meticulous Quality Control system is the most thorough in the industry.
Upon receipt by our office, one of our expert project managers will carefully select the translator who is best suited for your assignment, based on previous medical experience and the language(s) you require. Both the translators and editors, engaged in medical translation, are selected depending on the specific character of a particular order. Using the most up-to-date technologies, specialized medical dictionaries and other aids, your translator will produce medical translations that are accurate and that adhere to all confidentiality laws.
Generally, medical translators should have excellent knowledge of their working language pairs. Likewise, they must have a knowledge of physiology and anatomy and knowledge of medical terms and meaning. Medical translators must fully understand ethical issues and many concepts of health care. The above are the core skills of a medical translator. However, there are more qualities required of them. These qualities are what doctors should look for when they want to work with a professional medical translation provider. In order to accurately translate medical documents, they must possess top-notch writing skills in their working languages. They must have strong research, analysis and reading skills and an in-depth knowledge of the range of medical terminology for translators and medical concepts. Our translators have all these skills. We are proud to have the best professional, devoted and reliable team of medical translators in Qatar and the Gulf region.
If you are looking for a reliable medical translation agency, contact us. We are confident that after you initial interactions with our Team that you will agree that Access Center is the right choice for your medical translation services.